What causes flood damage?
Broken pipes, burst water mains, water sprinklers setting off, are some instances that cause flood damage. Also, some accidents like taps left open and rain storms can lead to flooding at homes/offices.
What are the effects of flood damage?
A flooded home/office poses a risk if the water is let to stay. When the premise is unattended, it may look like the water is drying, however, water actually seeps into the walls and floors that cause…
What should I do if a pipe breaks?
If you notice a leak, first try and see if the leakage can be stopped. If there is any water in the house/premise, the electrical supply may need to be switched off to avoid damaging any appliances…
What should I do immediately after getting a flooded home/office?
As a first step, you should always call a professional restoration company who will carry out an assessment and provide the most feasible solution. With proper equipment, the clean-up…
What does the flood damage restoration process involve?
At Disaster Restoration Singapore, we ensure quick and effective measures are undertaken, so any damage due to floods is at a minimum.